मेनिंजियोमा के निदान एवं पूर्वानुमान हेतु ट्यूमर एवं रक्त प्रतिदर्शों से प्रोटीनों के एक समूह को खोजा गया है, जो इसकी गंभीरता का अनुमान लगा सकता है।

Ramya Bala

Job Title


A biotechnologist turned natural scientist, I love to read about fascinating new research and feel a strong urge to spread the science bug to everyone I know. I am currently exploring writing as a way to do this. I am a researcher too and try to reconstruct environments of the past using diverse natural materials and their chemical composition. I also am a primatology, linguistics, history and archaeology enthusiast.

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