संशोधकांनी द्विमितीय पदार्थांचा वापर करून ट्रान्झिस्टर तयार केला आणि स्वायत्त यंत्रमानवांसाठी त्यावर आधारित अतिनिम्न ऊर्जाचालित कृत्रिम चेतापेशी सर्किट निर्माण केले.

Rajeev BR

Job Title


I am a Community dentist. My interests are Community health, Health systems and Policy research, Medical Anthropology, Local Health Traditions Biodiversity conservation and many others.

My venture into science journalism is new and I am thoroughly enjoying it. It helps me immensely in health education and communication to the communities that I work with.

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