संशोधकांनी द्विमितीय पदार्थांचा वापर करून ट्रान्झिस्टर तयार केला आणि स्वायत्त यंत्रमानवांसाठी त्यावर आधारित अतिनिम्न ऊर्जाचालित कृत्रिम चेतापेशी सर्किट निर्माण केले.

Ramya Bala

Job Title


A biotechnologist turned natural scientist, I love to read about fascinating new research and feel a strong urge to spread the science bug to everyone I know. I am currently exploring writing as a way to do this. I am a researcher too and try to reconstruct environments of the past using diverse natural materials and their chemical composition. I also am a primatology, linguistics, history and archaeology enthusiast.

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