IIT Bombay’s microfluidic device that rapidly measures stiffness of human cells can help investigate relation between stiffness and disease condition


11 Oct 2019

Study finds how pet dogs, shelter dogs and free-ranging dogs react to human gaze.

13 Nov 2017

Nature is full of mind boggling interactions, some that seem they are straight out of a fiction novel! Studying a host-parasite-hyperparasite interaction between a species of moth and two species of wasp, scientists from the Ecology lab at the Department of Animal Science, Central University of Kerala, explore how wasps control the behaviour of moth larvae and also contribute to controlling their population.

16 Mar 2017


A new study has now revealed how knowing beforehand what to look for, helps in our visual search process. Previews – bits of information available in advance, are shown to accelerate our search process as the brain can differentiate and identify the object we are looking for, even among a large set of identical objects. This discovery throws some light on the neurological process responsible for visual search and recognition.