Do you wish sometimes that you didn’t understand the consequences of cancer? The disease continues to terrorize mankind, mentally and economically. In order to develop therapy, you need suitable drug targets. Step in, non-B structures. These are simply, irregular DNA structures. A few examples of these structures are G-quadruplex or GQ, which is rich in guanine and intercalated motif or i-motif which is a guanine-rich and cytosine-rich DNA quadruplex. Several reports summarize that these structures could be related to genetic instability. Double stranded breaks or DSBs spell doom for DNA as they interrupt replication during cell division. Though the mechanism of DSB is still poorly understood, a few hints have been observed. Genome wide mapping and analyses of Spo11-catalyzed DSBs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae have shown a relation between DSBs and high guanine/cytosine-rich motifs. Is it possible that these non-B DNA structures are the culprits at meiosis specific DSB sites? Scientists at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, have demonstrated that the guanine-rich sequence and cytosine rich sequence, which were derived from a meiosis-specific DSB site are capable of folding into a GQ and i-motif conformation respectively in S.cerevisiae cells. Both structures were found to be stable under physiological conditions. The conformations are also capable of blocking primer extension by DNA polymerase. Flow cytometry revealed decreased levels of green fluorescent protein or gfp mRNA expression of 75-85% as compared with the control, which suggest that i-motif and GQ can poke their noses in between cellular processes involving DNA or RNA. Particularly in S.cerevisiae, the C-terminal of the Hop1 protein, called as Hop1CTD formed a discrete band in the gel during the electrophoretic mobility shift assay indicating that it binds efficiently to the i-motif structure. This could mean that Hop 1 plays a role in processing of meiosis specific DSB-ends. In conclusion, the non-B structure can prove to be a significant angel and devil. They are capable of messing with replication and contribute to cancer, but there’s a sunny side too. They can serve as good drug targets as their presence will aid in detecting and studying mutations which will serve as a potential gateway to lessen the repercussions of genetic diseases in the future.