IIT Palakkad study shows how different indices used to predict drought combined with effects fof climate change can lead to different climate predictions for the future

Study reveals shocking numbers about worldwide smoking trends

26 Jun 2017

Here is some caution for those struggling to kick the butt and give up smoking. The Global Burden of Disease Study 2015, has found that the number of smokers all over the world has increased in the last decade (2005-2015) as compared to 1990-2005. The Republic of Congo and Azerbaijan topped the list with the most increase for men, and Kuwait and Timor-Leste for women. It also notes that in 2015 alone, 11·5% of global deaths (6·4 million) were attributable to smoking, of which 52·2% were in China, India, USA and Russia. Smoking is now ranked among the five leading risk factors for mortality in 109 countries and territories, up from 88 geographies recorded in 1990. 

See the infographic on global daily tobacco smoking trends.
