Researchers from JNCASR have developed an innovative method to activate thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) molecules, by trapping it with light in a “optical cavity”.

internet of things

16 Feb 2018

The European Union delegation is organizing a hackathon for smart city applications at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), here from today.

The hackathon aims to encourage designing new applications that a smart city could offer its citizens, its elected officials or its technical and administrative services.

10 Feb 2017

The ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) is the new buzzword in technological corridors with most technology companies announcing a ‘smart’ device of sorts that runs on IoT. In simple terms, IoT is a giant network of connected ‘things’; a network of devices linked to Internet through wired or wireless connections. ‘Things’ could be anything from everyday devices like cell phones, washing machines and wearable devices, to pacemakers, biochips on farm animals, automobiles and industrial machines. It is estimated that, by 2050, a whopping 50 billion such ‘connected’ devices would emerge, dawning a new era of the Internet - one of the most powerful inventions in human history.