Diatoms provide a peek into our history, while also being a source of nutrition, energy and oxygen
Palatable supplementary foods designed with variety in mind could be the cure for urban malnutrition
Researchers investigate how dietary patterns, single nutrients, and food choice may be promoting or protecting against depressive disorders.
Researchers at the International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington DC, USA, assessed the reach of the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) program to the intended beneficiaries and took stock of its shortcomings.
Thanks to the white revolution of the 1970s, today India ranks first in milk production, accounting for 18.5 % of world production. While this was possible due to sustained efforts in dairy farming, a new wave of genetic engineering looks to disrupt these numbers very soon. Apart from increasing milk production, scientists are applying techniques of genetic engineering to modify cow’s milk to make it more nutritious, free of allergens and easy to digest. By genetically engineering milk, scientists also hope to keep the food security scare at bay.