Combining hydrogen-based processes with advanced catalysts and renewable energy paves the way for developing economically and industrially viable solutions to decarbonise the steel industry


13 Mar 2018

A recent study by researchers from the Department of Environmental Science, Tezpur University, Assam, and the Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Gujarat on the groundwater in the Brahmaputra floodplains has revealed some alarming information. The study has detected the presence of arsenic, uranium and fluorides (compounds of the element fluorine) that can affect the wellbeing of the people in this region.

11 Oct 2017


Dams and other hydrological barriers are essential for the production of hydroelectricity and to direct water to water-deficient areas. But the presence of these structures are known to interfere with the ecology of the river, affecting the flora and fauna inhabiting it. The western ghats of India are home to many endemic fish species which are affected by these hydrological structures. Recent study from ATREE shows what can be done to ensure that the biodiversity in the Western Ghats is not lost to hydrological structures.

17 Aug 2017


The story of the river Saraswati has captivated scholars and academicians alike. With no physical evidence, the memory of the extinct river has survived centuries, starting from its first mention in the Rigveda, through poems and stories. The river is said to have originated in the Himalayas and emptied in the Arabian sea near present day, Rann of Kachchh. Now a new study in the Rann of Kachchh has revealed some interesting evidence which could help us establish the story of Saraswati as myth or fact.