In the heart of Central India lies the Panna Tiger Reserve, a sanctuary that has seen a remarkable revival of its tiger population thanks to reintroduction efforts. But how are these majestic creatures adapting to their new environment? A team of researchers from the Wildlife Institute of India (WII) Dehradun is trying to find out.

Prostrate cancer

8 Sep 2021

Study identifies the role of DLX1 gene in prostate cancer demonstrating how its elimination leads to reduced carcinogenesis in mice models

22 Jan 2020

Prostate cancer occurs when the cells of the prostate gland—a male reproductive organ—start growing abnormally due to the elevated level of androgens. Androgens are hormones required for development and maintenance of the male reproductive system. Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) is the most commonly used treatment against prostate cancer, wherein the androgen production is reduced or the receptors, which are required for androgen to function, are blocked with the help of drugs like enzalutamide and apalutamide.