तेल शुद्धीकरण कारखान्यातील अपशिष्ट पाणी वाळूमधून वाहिल्यानंतर त्यात प्रदूषकभक्षी जीवाणूंचे थर (बायोफिल्म) तयार झाले व या थराने पाण्यातील घातक संयुगे नष्ट केली.

Mailing Lists

We are happy to host the following mailing lists to enable exchange of information, sharing of ideas and enable engagement and collaboration among interested peers.

For a start, we are happy to host and re-launch 'Urban Study Group', a mailing list that host discussions of Indian and colonial/post-colonial cities.

We are also happy to launch 'Scicomm', a mailing list to host discussions on science communication in India. In the past few years, we have seen a resurgence of science communication activities in India. There are many outlets and many more scicommers than ever before. The list is aimed to be a platform for all scicommers to enable exchange of information, ideas, and opportunities besides discussing nuances and challenges therein.

The lists are hosted and maintained by Research Matters, an initiative of Gubbi Labs. Text-based announcements are encouraged, in addition to images and other attachments. Email attachments over 250 kilobytes in size and emails that are sent to multiple lists will require approval by moderators. Emails that are not relevant to the list will not be approved. Questions about list content and subscriptions can be emailed to info[at]gubbilabs[dot]in.