Combining hydrogen-based processes with advanced catalysts and renewable energy paves the way for developing economically and industrially viable solutions to decarbonise the steel industry

Anand Kant Das

Job Title


A postdoctoral researcher at Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, I use ultra-sensitive microscopy to understand the inner workings of the brain.  I completed my PhD from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai, in the area of Neuroscience and Biophysics. During my PhD, I won the EURAXESS Science Slam competition organized by the European Union and got an opportunity to represent India in Europe. Science writing and communication is my favorite pastime. I maintain a personal science blog and have blogged for TIFR in the past. I find ecstasy in reading philosophy, climbing mountains and travelling. I am also deeply interested in traditional and alternative system of medicine and comparative religion.

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