Researchers use a Disaster Intensity Index (DII) to assess disaster impacts on state budgets, offering a roadmap for better disaster preparedness and economic protection.


17 Dec 2021

A crab bridge in Christmas Island, Australia, facilitates the safe passage for the migrating red crabs  (Photo credit; Wondrous World Images via

In Christmas Island, Australia, signposts alerting passers of animal-crossing don’t suffice; traffic detours, public announcements, and permanent bridges are in need, as the island roads must make way for a sea of crabs to pass by! The spectacular annual event is a natural wonder.

10 Dec 2021

Researchers find a greater abundance but an altered epiphyte community in selectively logged forests

9 Dec 2021

A study finds that electric vehicles are less intrusive to animals during safaris.

8 Dec 2021

IIT Bombay professor Subramaniam Chandramouli gets  the Swarnajayanti Fellowship 2021 for his innovative proposal to generate ‘green heat’

7 Dec 2021

A proposed method to capture carbon dioxide and convert it to industrially useful chemicals gets IIT Bombay entry to the X-prize carbon removal grand prize competition. 

3 Dec 2021

Prof Bedangadas Mohanty of the National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneshwar, has been awarded the Infosys prize in Physics 2021 for investigations of nuclear force. At the Brookhaven National Laboratory and the European Organization for Nuclear Research, he determined the transition temperature of the quark-gluon plasma to hadronic matter, observed heavy antimatter nuclei, observed nuclear spin-orbital angular momentum interactions, and other effects in the quark-gluon plasma.

30 Nov 2021

It turns out the well-imprinted taste map — of the tongue divided into four specific zones for sweet, salt, sour, and bitter tastes — is all wrong. In the past few decades, scientists refuted the theory. They revealed that the concept of designated taste zones on the tongue is the outcome of misinterpretation of data leading to misrepresentation.

6 Jan 2021

Researchers study the relationship between geometry and isotropy to enhance 3D printing.

25 Nov 2021

A study finds that the rapidly expanding land use of Mumbai is driving the region’s remaining wildlife into the remnant forest fringes.