Researchers from ATREE review their work over the past 25 years.
Researchers develop thread-based sensors to detect changes in metabolite levels in sweat.
Researchers use a new technique to evaluate under-nutrition, micronutrient deficiencies and obesity in children.
Astronomers detected a planet outside our Solar System orbiting a star like our Sun, for the first time in 1995. Known as ‘exoplanets’, the theoretical understanding of the formation of stars had long pointed to the existence of such worlds. Before 1995, astronomers had claimed to discover exoplanets, but it was difficult to confirm these discoveries. Later, it turned out that one such claim, made in 1988, was indeed correct. However, the discoverers of the exoplanet in 1995, Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2019.
Scientists discuss the rigorous standards followed for proteome identification by the Human Proteome Project.
Researchers have explained how the electronic and thermal properties of uranium are linked.
Researchers investigate social, economic, human, and physical factors driving and resulting in recovery in the aftermath of Cyclone Phailin.
Researchers use proteomics & machine learning to identify group of proteins to gauge severity of malaria
Researchers have used rotation of particles to drive the way beads group together and move on a plate.