In the early hours of Thursday, ISRO finally confirmed the success of the space-docking experiment SpaDex


23 Feb 2018

Termites are known to be efficient farmers who farm a kind of fungus in their colonies to digest the wood that they feed. Scientists from the Indian institute of Science, Bangalore and École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier, Montpellier, France, explore whether the termites prefer a certain species of fungus and if they can identify weed fungi and remove them.

19 Feb 2018

Humans have always been fascinated by symmetry. Many celebrated works of art are appreciated for their symmetry, such as the Vitruvian Man by Leonardo Da Vinci, or Somnathpur temple above. Given the importance of symmetry in our lives, does the brain have a special way of processing symmetric objects?

16 Feb 2018

The European Union delegation is organizing a hackathon for smart city applications at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), here from today.

The hackathon aims to encourage designing new applications that a smart city could offer its citizens, its elected officials or its technical and administrative services.

14 Feb 2018

Researchers at Department of Computational and Data Sciences at Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have developed the first computational model aimed at Pictionary- an image based word guessing game.

25 Jan 2018

In an interdisciplinary study, scientists from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, display how the use of nanotechnologies can be useful in treatment of cancer.

19 Jan 2018

Manipulation of particles whose sizes are a billionth of a metre poses a huge challenge and is a vast area of research. Manipulation of objects on this scale has important application from medicines to quantum technologies. Scientists from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore have devised a new approach to trap and maneuver nanoscale objects. 

18 Jan 2018

Scientists from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, in a rare study combining biology and paleontology show how different climatic factors over evolutionary time have affected the evolution of fan throated lizards.

17 Jan 2018

With an increase in the occurance of cancer predicted in the coming years, scientists from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, make astounding discoveries on the molecular mechanism behind the spread of cancer, which can help better understand and treat the disease. 

17 Jan 2018

Using satellite data from 1973, 1991 and 2016, researchers from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, study how protected area have deteriorated over the years. The study also assesses the reason for the said deterioration of the forests.

16 Jan 2018

Scientists from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore design a novel transistor by combining two different types of transistors in to one. The new hybrid device can switch between a conventional thermionic transistor and a modern tunnelling transistor overcoming many challenges faced before.