Researchers have developed an integrated method to combine ocean and river system computer models into a smart model able to predict floods accurately
IIT Kharagpur
IIT Kharagpur researchers have developed a new framework using blockchain-based technology and token-based incentivisation to securely and fairly share data to train an AI model.
Researchers have pinned down the seasonal and geographical variation of the harmful gas across the country and the reasons behind it.
Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, and the University of Southampton, UK have tried to understand the effects of changes in land use and land cover on regional temperatures in Odisha, which frequently experiences heatwave, cyclones, droughts and floods.
Study from IIT Kharagpur provides more evidence of the recovering Antarctic ozone hole
When a disaster strikes, every moment that is saved could help save a few precious lives. Now, a recent study by researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur has proposed a mechanism in which faster, cheaper and personalised response could be provided to the victims during disasters with the use of Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs).
Researchers at IIT-Kharagpur have published a study on prediction of Esophageal cancer using data locally collected by a Mumbai hospital and machine learning algorithm. Their results could help us do away with expensive and invasive tests while diagnosing cancers.
Most studies on air pollution focus on intra-city roads. In India, highways constitute 40% of the traffic, making it important to effects of air pollution on and near highways. Scientists from IIT, Kharagpur explore this understudied phenomenon.
The ozone layer around our Earth protects us from the Sun’s harmful radiations. But who should protect this layer which is in distress due to the use of ozone depleting substances? Since this is a man-made disaster, the responsibility of fixing it lies on us.Have we been successful in restoring the ozone layer? Yes, to an extent, say researchers of a new study that has studies the dynamics of the ozone layer in Antarctica. The study shows that there has been a reasonable recovery of healing of the ozone hole, since the signing of the Montreal Protocol in 1987, where the world took action to save the ozone layer.
In a world revolutionised by technology, education is not far behind. In fact, pundits predict moder education, delivered online, will be the great equalizer in days to come. In our own backyard, looks like this is already in action in the form of virtual labs developed to better understand plant biochemistry. By giving free and online access to students across the country, the recently developed virtual labs take education to a whole new level benefiting students from all corners of the country.