Offering limited options to choose from for a multiple choice setting recovers more accurate and truthful information than presenting the complete range of options, reveals IIT Bombay study.


1 Dec 2020

Researchers identify performance limits of biosensors which observe dynamic interactions to determine the concentration of desired molecules.

30 Oct 2020

In a series of articles, Research Matters tries to shed some insights into India’s mental health concern, its different aspects, including the lack of awareness about mental health in general — through the lens of science.

12 Feb 2021

The science of biodiversity loss may benefit by integrating people's knowledge with lab-based techniques.

10 Feb 2021

Researchers have used a naturally occurring random process to generate random numbers.

20 Nov 2020

Researchers have used modified sugars to hamper the development of cell wall in disease-causing bacteria

23 Oct 2020

In a series of articles, Research Matters tries to shed some insights into India’s mental health concern, its different aspects, including the lack of awareness about mental health in general — through the lens of science.

13 Jan 2021

Theoretical and experimental scientists have come together to watch solids vibrate.

2 Feb 2021

Researchers found a new frog species lurking in a pond in Bengaluru, and hope to discover more with systematic studies. 

16 Oct 2020

In a series of articles, Research Matters tries to shed some insights into India’s mental health concern, its different aspects, including the lack of awareness about mental health in general — through the lens of science.

29 Jan 2021

Image Credits: KV Gururaja

In the animal world, finding a mate, protecting territory and fending off competitors who vie for love are defining moments. Only those adept at the needed skills for these ‘do-or-die’ circumstances survive, reproduce and thrive. A few animals go the extra mile—sing a romantic song, flash their colours to scare competitors and also woo their mate, some chirp high loud to stand out in the crowd and some, like the dancing frogs, shake a leg!