IISc researchers observed the black hole X-ray binary IGR J17091–3624 and studied the variations in its flickers to study whether they were truly random or just chaotic.


5 Jan 2021

Study highlights why capture-neuter-vaccinate-release is not effective in reducing free-ranging dogs.

28 Aug 2020

Studies have found that dogs tend to be friendlier in areas with frequent human activity. But what about their interaction with individuals of their kind in these areas? Do humans play a role here? A recent study from the Dog Lab IISER Kolkata has delved into the social interactions of dogs amongst themselves and with humans. 


11 Oct 2019

Study finds how pet dogs, shelter dogs and free-ranging dogs react to human gaze.

22 Aug 2019

About 6,000 years ago, an unfortunate dog suffered from a relatively rare form of cancer. Since then, unlike any other cancer, its cancer cells were swiftly transmitted from one dog to another. Today, this age-old ailment has a name—Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumour or CTVT.  In a  recent study, they traced the history of CTVT to Asia, and in the process, helped understand the evolution of cancer in the long term.

8 Aug 2018

Some curse them, throw stones at them, beat them, and even kill them, while a few pet them and form a special bond!  Domestic dogs, or Canis lupus familiaris, are known to be our 'best friends'. Yet, nearly 70-80% of the 90 crore dogs globally, about 70 crores, are free-ranging and include stray and feral dogs.  How do they survive and thrive in the dangerous streets without our active care?  It turns out, just like us, they have a 'family' that makes it possible.

11 Apr 2018

Dogs have been introduced in various places across the world, where they were not found before by humans. In a recent study, researchers from the Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment study how dogs affect the local biodiversity.

28 Sep 2017


Rabies is a fatal disease associated with dogs. However, it could well be spread by many animals -- both wild and pets. Today, on World Rabies Day, here is all you want to know about the disease and ways to prevent them. But if you thought it was a challenge, find out the truth about this and help make the world free of this deadly disease