A river meanders lazily through the plains but, in rocky terrain, might tumble rapidly down as a waterfall, sometimes in multiple cascades. Charles Darwin had earlier proposed that changes in the characteristics of organisms happen very slowly over time and generations, just like the river’s gentle flow.
200 scientists and 73 research institutions from 20 countries have sequenced the entire genome of the bread wheat (Triticum aestivum), it took them 13 years to accomplish.
Chillies are an indispensable part of the Indian platter and contribute heavily to our economy since India is a leading producer of chillies. A threat facing the chilli farmers is the fungal disease caused by Colletotrichum truncatum that affects the yield of the crop. In a new study, scientists have explored the mechanism behind the fungal disease, how the fungus actually attacks the plant and fruits and have also studied the genotype of the causative agents. This study, the researchers believe, can help develop mitigation plans and save farmers from an impending crop loss.