IIT Palakkad study shows how different indices used to predict drought combined with effects fof climate change can lead to different climate predictions for the future

A new plant species discovered in the Western Ghats!

14 Apr 2017

Scientists from the Agharkar Research Institute, Pune, have discovered a new species of plant Eriocaulon parvicephalum in the Western Ghats of Maharashtra. This plant belongs to the family Eriocaulaceae or commonly called pipeworts, due to their long naked stalks with a bulb like bud at the top. Although it looks similar to another species - Eriocaulon palghatense, of the same family, it was identified as a separate species after DNA analysis showed remarkable difference in the genetic make-up. The researchers also observed subtle differences in the petals of the male flower and the  seed coat of this plant when compared with its cousins from the same family. The new discovery adds to a growing list of new species being discovered in one of the ‘hottest hot-spots’ for biodiversity and a UNESCO World heritage site – the Western Ghats.  
