A study reviewed the available literature on zoonotic pathogens in the food chain to assess their threat and recommend steps to mitigate them.


30 Sep 2021

1. Asteroids are relics from the time the solar system was born
Billions of years ago, when the solar system was forming, space dust and debris fused to form rocks and rubble. As the rocks churned, they rammed into one another, merged and formed planets and moons.
Asteroids are the leftover rubble from those times. They have remained unchanged over billions of years.

19 Dec 2020

Some fantastic relationships between some animals and their or others’ dung.

7 Dec 2020

The Nobel Prizes award ceremony begins tonight as the winners receive their medals in their home countries. Get a glimpse of the contributions of the Natural Sciences awardees. 

20 Nov 2020

A theory put forward by Howard Gardner proposed an alternative view of intelligence, and could potentially be used to look at alternative models of education.

12 Nov 2019

Every year, the 12th of November is observed as National Birdwatching Day, to mark the birth anniversary of India’s legendary ornithologist, Salim Ali. Regardless of where or when you watch birds, an intimate connection with mother Nature follows. On this national birdwatching day, try birding for a change and see what windows it opens up for you when you sit beside your window looking at the world through a binocular.

2 Apr 2019

An international collaboration of researchers have studied the trends in tobacco use in China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and India. The study, which included a million participants, is a meta-analysis of 20 cohort studies in these countries that collected data on tobacco habits from representative individuals above 35 years of age. The results reveal region–specific tobacco smoking patterns and the resulting mortality.

6 Jul 2019

Bamboo brings to mind beautifully designed furniture and for a few, memories of seeing a bamboo grove may have left an ever-lasting impression. Home for extraordinary animals and livelihood for millions of people, we are all familiar with bamboo.

22 Sep 2018

“Ecology is boring for the same reason that destruction is fun”, said Don DeLillo, an American novelist and playwright. This saying resonates very well with road ecology. Road kills are soon forgotten till the next one happens, reckless driving in protected areas is ubiquitous and polluting ecologically sensitive area is an act of no shame. And, this is not fun!

12 May 2018

World Migratory Bird Day is an annual awareness-raising campaign highlighting the need for the conservation of migratory birds and their habitats. It is observed on 2nd Saturday in May and October! It is a global awareness-raising campaign to conserve Migratory Birds.