Refinery wastewater flowing through sand produced biofilms of pollutant-eating bacteria which inturn removed the harmful compounds from the water


21 Nov 2023

Contributions of IIT Bombay researcher to the field that won the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics

11 Mar 2023

As much as we’d like to shush about it, the fact remains that mental health is an imperative component of one’s overall well-being that encompasses a wide range of emotional, psychological, and social factors. One key area of research in mental health sciences is the study of neurobiology, which focuses on the biological and physiological processes that, when gone awry, are responsible for various mental health conditions.

22 Apr 2022

Dinesh C. Sharma’s ‘Indian Innovation - 100 ideas that transformed India’ is an inspiring book documenting all key innovations post-independence in India.

12 Apr 2022

Not more than two decades ago, I played with snails on rainy days and would see them crawling abundantly on plants. My friends and I would collect them in glass bottles, treating them as pets.

It appears that snails have almost vanished from our gardens. Lush green landscapes and trees have dwindled to become a few patches of green separated by tall buildings in between.

8 Apr 2022

Complexity theory offers opportunities for understanding these systems holistically

3 Mar 2022

Researchers have designed and developed an entirely indigenous low-cost autonomous underwater vehicle

14 Feb 2022

Time for reform in medical research and publishing? Indian researchers provide shocking analytical insights.

3 Feb 2022

In an exclusive interview with Research Matters, Dr Ângela Barreto Xavier, winner of the Infosys Prize in Humanities for 2021, talked about her work on colonial and imperial history in Goa, India.

7 Oct 2021

Research Matters caught up with Dr M D Madhusudan, one of the researchers involved in developing a high-resolution map of Open Natural Ecosystems (ONEs) in India, to gain insights into their work. Here are excerpts from the interview.

28 Dec 2020

An interesting year this one, with the world locked in and a virus reigning our lives. Nevertheless, there was no dearth of news in science. There was a considerable quantum of studies being reported even outside the realm of the rampant COVID-19 research. At Research Matters, we have tried our best to cover the most interesting stories in the Indian scene and listed below are our most popular stories this year. Take a look.