Novel algorithms allows real-time monitoring and dynamic task allocation to significantly improve cooperation among autonomous robots


14 Nov 2017

Responsible for 1.5 to 5 million deaths per year, around the world, Diabetes mellitus is a very serious disease. India is considered the diabetes capital of the world with as many as 50 million people suffering from type 2 diabetes. This World Diabetes Day, the Research Matters team caught up with Dr. Milind Watve, a professor at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune and an expert in the field, to find out about the new insights into how better to treat the disease.  

25 Sep 2017


The art of doing science lies in logical thinking where research evidences chart the direction of evolving understanding of everything around us. Since, the people who do science, the researchers, are human, invariably, science is subject to our thinking biases and our behaviour. Now, a new study explores how the ‘human’ aspect of scientists can affect science and what biases can creep in the scientific community. Keeping an eye on these biases and involving this aspect in the process of doing science may result in better research, argues the researcher. Find more about these biases and their result on scientific epistemology. 

24 May 2017


Have you ever wondered how animals communicate with each other? While some might use sound by howling, chirping or roaring, others, like the resplendent superb fan throated lizards have evolved a unique form of communication using colors. In a new study, researchers have understood the complex system these lizards use to signal to each other using their colorful dewlaps. Using colors like orange, blue and black, these lizards signal differently to males and females of their own, say the researchers.