Researchers have developed an integrated method to combine ocean and river system computer models into a smart model able to predict floods accurately

Human animal conflict

29 Dec 2017

What a year it has been for Indian science! From indigenous transistors to help India's Internet of things to solutions to living in harmony with wild animals we have seen it all. Here we take a look at the highlighs of Indian research in 2017.

20 Dec 2017


Human Elephant conflict in India is hardly news, but the conflict is also faced by our neighbours in the north, Nepal. Scientists from Arkansas State University explore the degree and the reasons due to which elephants come in close contact with humans.

12 Dec 2017


The conversion of lush green forests into plantation for the profit of the East India Company still have lasting effects on the Indian wildlife today. Researchers from the Centre for Wildlife Studies, Bangalore, study the conflict between leopards and humans due to this altered landscape. They find that from tea plantations to protected areas, leopard inflict non fatal attacks on humans, which are most likely the big cats attempt to defend itself.