Researchers have built two-dimensional materials-based transistors and used them to design ultra-low power artificial neuron circuits for autonomous robots.


31 Oct 2018

In a recent study published in the journal General and Comparative Endocrinology, researchers from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, have described how urbanisation is shaping the social behaviour and strategies of lizards. The researchers conducted their studies on the South Indian rock agama (Psammophilus dorsalis), a common resident of rocky hills in South India.

Andaman and Nicobar Islands
30 Oct 2018

Researchers from the Stellenbosch University, South Africa, tried to map the invasion history of the Indian bullfrog (Hoplobatrachus tigerinus) from the early 2000s, which was when it was first reported in the islands.

New Delhi
30 Oct 2018

The success rate of the ambitious Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP), driven by the Government of India, is appaling, reports a study.

29 Oct 2018

In a new study, researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and the Institute of Pulmocare and Research, Kolkata, have developed a new, efficient method to detect asthma—by listening to the sound made by the lungs of the patients. Their findings were published in the journal Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine.

28 Oct 2018

Researchers from the Novosibirsk State University, Russia, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Institute of Seismological Research, India, and King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, have proposed a new collision zone in central India, where a new mountain chain could grow in the near geological future.

27 Oct 2018

The viruses, notoriously known for the seasonal flu and deadly diseases like AIDS, are the smallest of all the microorganisms. As potent they may be, the intriguing part about viruses is they are inactive when outside a living cell! They become active and multiply only when they enter and infect a living cell. But, unlike how our cells replicate, cell division in viruses is a unique process.

New Delhi
26 Oct 2018

On the 25th of October, 2018, an event was organised in New Delhi to celebrate the successes of a decade-long Indo-UK collaboration in research and innovation, and to mark the launch of the UK Research and Innovation India (UKRI India). UKRI India is a new body that partners with universities, research organisations, and government funding agencies to create the best possible environment for research and innovation to flourish.

26 Oct 2018

Researchers from the St. John’s Research Institute, Bengaluru, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru in collaboration with the Scottish Universities Environmental Research Center, UK, try to answer how much of the proteins that we eat is actually digested and absorbed by the body.

30 Apr 2018

Research from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, shows how persistence of fog over urban area has changes due to higher temperatures in the cities.

24 Oct 2018

Cancer, a condition where healthy cells in the body grow out of control and instead of undergoing programmed death, keep multiplying without a check, has now become quite widespread. Most of us are familiar with the disease either through personal experience or a loved one battling it.