IIT Bombay’s microfluidic device that rapidly measures stiffness of human cells can help investigate relation between stiffness and disease condition


22 Mar 2022

Researchers solve the packing matrix of proteins that control protein complexes on cell surfaces.

16 Mar 2022

Study finds that considering multiple social interactions as a whole instead of individual interactions helps identify the potential queen of a wasp colony. 

11 Mar 2022

Machine learning predicts elastic behavior of multi-component alloys using information from simple two-component alloys

9 Mar 2022

Researchers improve the efficiency of face shields by coating them with a hydrophobic layer.

8 Mar 2022

A compact probe to find the extent of corrosion in steel reinforcement bars in concrete structures.

22 Feb 2022

Researchers from IIT Bombay, IIT Madras and IIIT Hyderabad have come together to create the speech-to-speech machine translation (SSMT) system from English to many Indian languages.

21 Feb 2022

Researchers at IIT Bombay have designed and developed NAVIC and GPS capable RF receiver called Dhruva.

18 Feb 2022

Research at the Battery Prototyping Lab at IIT Bombay is prototyping and scaling up of energy storage technologies.

16 Feb 2022

Land subsidence in Delhi NCR region is increasing at alarming rates

14 Feb 2022

Time for reform in medical research and publishing? Indian researchers provide shocking analytical insights.