The low-cost sensor made of a copper-based metal-organic framework performs as well as DNA based sensor, the gold standard for water quality sensors.


22 Jul 2020

Researchers use new self-assembly techniques to create microstructures that can be used in early detection of Alzheimer’s disease.

21 Jan 2020

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine-learning (ML) approaches are the present-day buzzwords finding applications in a host of domains affecting our lives. These approaches use known datasets to train and build models that can predict, or sometimes, make decisions about a task. In one such case, researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay), Mumbai, have in a recent study, developed ML approaches using molecular descriptors for certain types of catalysis that could find use in several therapeutic applications.

17 Jul 2020

The Nicobar long-tailed macaque is a species of monkeys endemic to three islands of the Andaman and Nicobar archipelago. Found in troops that consist of an alpha male and female, there is a system of hierarchy, as is seen in all group living animals. While adults are further categorised as beta individuals and subordinates, juveniles and infants also form a part of the troop. In many social animals, like the macaques, the ranking of an individual determines the role they play on other activities within the group. In a recent study, researchers have investigated if an individual’s rank has any effect on how the members groom each other.


16 Jul 2020

Incidents of snakebites and resulting deaths are no rarity in India, which accounts for half the world’s deaths due to snakebites. Now, a new study claims that India has witnessed an estimated 1.2 million deaths due to snakebites between 2001-2020. 

15 Jul 2020

Study finds a molecular switch for feeding and fasting could hold clue to obesity and aging. 

14 Jul 2020

For what would a butterfly depend on ants? A recent study explores a complex relationship between an ant and a butterfly.

13 Jul 2020

A recent study suggests that tailoring the Ujjwala scheme for rural households can increase LPG adoption. 

8 Jul 2020

A recent study has shown that imparting digital literacy can help people identify online fake news. The study, involving researchers from the United States of America, the United Kingdom and India, conducted surveys in the United States and India, where online fake news has become rampant in past years.


7 Jul 2020

A study by a team of international researchers has suggested that diversifying crop production in India to include cereals like millets and sorghum could be a sustainable way forward.