Novel algorithms allows real-time monitoring and dynamic task allocation to significantly improve cooperation among autonomous robots


23 Jul 2019

Researchers from IISc, Bengaluru and IBM Research-India have developed a machine learning-based technique to manage the demand and supply of power in a network of microgrids while maximising profit. Since such local grids can run on renewable sources of energy instead of relying on fossil fuels, they also reduce carbon emissions and are sustainable.

New Delhi
26 Mar 2019

Researchers at IIT Delhi develop a portable hardware system to detect malaria, tuberculosis, intestinal parasites and cervical cancer.

22 Jan 2019

Researchers from IISc, Bengaluru, have investigated whether renewable energy sources and their large-scale integration into the electricity grid can help transition our electricity system into a ‘clean energy’ system.

5 Mar 2019

A theoretical study from IIT Bombay can help make our military communication more robust.

22 Apr 2019

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur try to understand the physics behind how a mosquito punctures the skin without causing pain. They found that low-frequency vibrations, along the axis of the needle, considerably reduces the resistance to piercing, thus reducing the pain. 


18 Feb 2019

The need for secure electronic devices is pervasive at all levels; from banking transactions to defence and surveillance applications.

New Delhi
4 Jun 2019

Researchers from the IIITD, CSIR-IMT and DU designed NeuroPIpred, a web-based tool that uses machine learning techniques to craft insect-specific pesticides.

19 May 2019

A conversation with Deccan Herald, Prof Rajaram Nityananda, a well-known Indian physicist who is now a Professor at the Azim Premji University, Bengaluru, sheds some light on how scientists captured the image of a black hole and the role of radio astronomy in this achievement.

9 Jan 2019

Researchers from IIT and IIIT Delhi design an algorithm to find rare cells 


25 Apr 2018

Scientists from Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, have developed a novel detonation–driven shock tube device for needle-free, painless drug delivery method. If commercialized the technology could replace the dreaded injections used in drug delivery.