In a recent study, researchers from Canada, Brazil, China, Mexico, India and Switzerland have tried to uncover the reasons behind this alarming statistic by analysing the causes of deaths in these children from India, China, Brazil, and Mexico. These countries have an estimated 40% of kids aged 5-14 years and report an estimated 200,000 deaths annually at these ages. The findings of their study were published in the journal The Lancet.
Communicable diseases
18 Mar 2019
14 Mar 2018
Clean drinking water is an essential prerequisite for good health. In a country like India, where 21% of communicable diseases spread through unsafe water, and more than 500 children under the age of five die each day from diarrhoea, the accessibility to clean drinking water is paramount. Researchers from the CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, have developed a frugal water purification system, Oneer, to help overcome our water woes.