IIT Bombay researchers have identified bacteria that can consume toxic pollutants in the soil and produce helpful nutrients as a byproduct.
IIT Bombay researchers use a robot that mimics animal movements to study how homing animals efficiently return home without getting lost or being late
A new study of the Saurashtra Basin dates the minerals found in the sediments, revealing the paths of ancient rivers and the geological history of the Indian subcontinent.
Researchers from IIT Bombay study heavy polluters on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway and suggest the need for stringent policies to restrict vehicular pollution.
The proposed method optimises the weight, cost and range of FCEVs by determining the optimally required radiator size in the vehicles
Researchers have developed ceramic based cold plates that could replace copper cold plates used to cool computers and allow smaller and compact packing of circuit boards
New study uses ideas from string theory and quantum field theory to simplify calculations of transcendental numbers, like pi and Euler’s Zeta function.
Researchers have built two-dimensional materials-based transistors and used them to design ultra-low power artificial neuron circuits for autonomous robots.
Scientists theoretically probe the atomic properties of the 2D materials under strain
IIT Bombay researchers identify biomarkers that could tell apart less and more aggressive meningioma
A set of proteins have been identified from tumour and blood samples for the diagnosis and prognosis of meningiomas that could predict meningioma severity.