Novel algorithms allows real-time monitoring and dynamic task allocation to significantly improve cooperation among autonomous robots


24 Sep 2020

A covert survey finds banned diclofenac and other vulture-toxic drugs in pharmacy isles, posing a threat to the slowly-recuperating vulture populations in South Asia. 

11 Jan 2021

Researchers have pinned down the seasonal and geographical variation of the harmful gas across the country and the reasons behind it.

7 Jan 2021

Study shows how a proposed hydropower project can submerge the habitats of these cranes and what can be done to make it favourable for the winged visitors.

23 Nov 2020

Herpetologists have discovered 13 new species of geckos this year, and expect to find more in the coming years.

5 Jan 2021

Study highlights why capture-neuter-vaccinate-release is not effective in reducing free-ranging dogs.

31 Dec 2020

The year 2020 saw science thrust into the media limelight as world over people sought news about the COVID-19 pandemic. The year has been marked by frustration and weariness for us all. Nevertheless, science and its people have carried on the quest of figuring out the ways of the world. So here are the science updates that caught our eye in 2020, in no particular order.

Footsteps of history

30 Dec 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how we do things, set new normals and left its mark on this year, 2020. Through difficulties and challenges, people kept working, and scientists and researchers were no exception. Here is a small list of significant happenings in science in India, presented in no particular order.


India makes COVID-19 testing kits

28 Dec 2020

An interesting year this one, with the world locked in and a virus reigning our lives. Nevertheless, there was no dearth of news in science. There was a considerable quantum of studies being reported even outside the realm of the rampant COVID-19 research. At Research Matters, we have tried our best to cover the most interesting stories in the Indian scene and listed below are our most popular stories this year. Take a look.

22 Dec 2020

Study evaluates regional factors that play a vital role in reducing conflicts between people and wild animals in the Ladakh region.

19 Dec 2020

Some fantastic relationships between some animals and their or others’ dung.