Researchers have built two-dimensional materials-based transistors and used them to design ultra-low power artificial neuron circuits for autonomous robots.


25 Sep 2018

Researchers from the IISc, Bengaluru, BNHS, Mumbai, OSU, USA, and NHM, London, have discovered two new species of lizards in the Western Ghats.

25 Sep 2018

In an exciting recent study, researchers have reported, for the first time, an accidental encounter of a male praying mantis (Hierodula tenuidentata), eating a guppy fish  (Poecilia reticulata) in Karnataka.

28 Jul 2018

Onion (Allium cepa) and garlic (Allium sativum), belonging to the same genus ‘Allium’ has a lot of similarities in their chemical composition, but differ in their reactions. Almost every observable characteristic of these familiar vegetables can be attributed to a cascade of chemical reactions initiated by metabolites containing Sulfur.

14 Mar 2018

Clean drinking water is an essential prerequisite for good health. In a country like India, where 21% of communicable diseases spread through unsafe water, and more than 500 children under the age of five die each day from diarrhoea, the accessibility to clean drinking water is paramount. Researchers from the CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, have developed a frugal water purification system, Oneer, to help overcome our water woes.

24 Sep 2018

200 scientists and 73 research institutions from 20 countries have sequenced the entire genome of the bread wheat (Triticum aestivum), it took them 13 years to accomplish.

23 Sep 2018

Researchers provide insights into the potential of developing a novel insecticide to control mosquitoes and filarial parasites.

23 Sep 2018

The banks of the river Krishna, an iconic river in South India, is a sight to behold! As you gaze through its vastness, have you ever wondered how the river is, and since when it is flowing? Here is a trivia—the rivers that flow in Karnataka are, in fact, older than the mighty Himalayas!

21 Sep 2018

Scientists are always on the lookout for novel chemical compounds with medicinal properties to fight many of the diseases we know. In one such effort, researchers from the Aligarh Muslim University, Uttar Pradesh, and their collaborators have developed three compounds with steroids and pyrimidines with remarkable biological applications. The results of the study are published in the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules.

20 Sep 2018

Researchers studied how aged garlic extract can help fight cancer and repair damaged liver.

20 Sep 2018

Researchers from RRI, Bengaluru, used an electric field to turn laponite nanoclay suspensions into a gel-like solid to study of the deformation and flow of matter.