Refinery wastewater flowing through sand produced biofilms of pollutant-eating bacteria which inturn removed the harmful compounds from the water


31 Mar 2020

A computer based model of neurons in the urinary bladder

15 Sep 2020

A woman cooking food using improved cookstoves [Image credits: Udaipur Urja Initiatives]

14 Sep 2020

Snapshot of simulation showing two black holes colliding with each other. [Image Credits: Wikimedia Commons]

Astronomers detect gravitational waves from the merging of neutron stars and black holes, but no electromagnetic waves.

3 Aug 2020

In a recent study, a team of international researchers have analysed how defects in hexagonal boron nitride can help in boosting the performance of electronic devices.

19 Nov 2019

Researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) seem to have a technological solution to this problem. Led by Prof Maryam Shojaei Baghini, researchers from IIT Bombay and Gauhati University, have designed a robust, accurate and affordable soil moisture sensor using graphene oxide.

11 Sep 2020

A Hoolock Gibbon from Meghalaya [Image Credits: Programme HURO / CC BY-SA (]

The specimen, which is millions of years older than any previously known fossil, highlights their migration from Africa to Asia.

10 Sep 2020

A pair of Crested treeswift with its egg [Image credits: Aditya Pal / CC BY-SA 4.0]

Mathematical models show that males should be selected to care more for their offspring rather than desert them.

9 Sep 2020

Some cryptic species of frogs in the Western Ghats (Left Top: Indirana semipalamata (Image credits: Saunak Pal), Left-Bottom: Indirana beddomii (Image Credits: Saunak Pal), Right-Top:

8 Sep 2020

Drought-stricken farmland in Karnataka [Image Credits: Pushkarv / CC BY-SA 3.0)

With climate change occurring at an alarming speed, study finds that temperatures across many parts of the globe, including South Asia, could reach the breaking point by 2050.

7 Sep 2020

In a new study, researchers devise a unique way to observe the process of devitrification under a microscope, in real-time.