Refinery wastewater flowing through sand produced biofilms of pollutant-eating bacteria which inturn removed the harmful compounds from the water


11 Mar 2020

Voluntary movements, like lifting your hand to wave, are executed through precise coordination between different brain areas. Sometimes, due to the loss of neurons in the brain, some individuals cannot coordinate such voluntary movements and are said to be suffering from a condition called ataxia. A type of ataxia, known as the spinocerebellar ataxia, involves the loss of neurons from the spinal cord and cerebellum. These brain areas are responsible for controlling movement and balance.

10 Mar 2020

Infants require the highest level of nutrition for healthy growth and development. A four-month-old child, for example, uses 30% of its consumed food for growth. Adequate intake of minerals, like calcium and potassium, are known to be conducive to their wholesome diet. But, data from UNICEF shows that there is a high rate of undernutrition in children around the world.

21 Nov 2019

Study analyses what drives the choice of transport to shopping malls in Mumbai.

3 Mar 2020

Understanding patterns in nature has been of interest to researchers. Some of the popular questions have been around why birds flock together, how groups of bees build their honeycombs out of perfect hexagons, how ants navigate finding the shortest path back to the nest, and the likes. Researchers across the world are trying to decipher and explain how and why such specific patterns emerge.

28 Feb 2020

Today is National Science Day—a day to celebrate the spirit of science and scientific temper across the county. It is a day to commemorate Sir C V Raman’s discovery of the Raman effect. This year, the theme of National Science Day is ‘Women in Science’, celebrating the contributions of women scientists to the field of science in India.

11 Nov 2019

In a recent study, Mr Kamath, now a researcher at Gubbi Labs, Bengaluru, along with Dr Seshadri KS, a researcher at The Madras Crocodile Bank Trust and Centre for Herpetology, Tamil Nadu, has reported the feeding behaviour of Brown mongoose. Though accidental, the study adds knowledge about some previously unknown behavioural aspects of these elusive mongooses. It is published in the Journal of Threatened Taxa.

30 Apr 2019

Researchers study how fishermen respond to extreme weather warnings and adapt to ill-effects of climate change.

20 Feb 2020

A new study proposes an improved approach to determine lion densities and identify factors that affect their abundance, but there may be flaws say some.

12 Nov 2019

Every year, the 12th of November is observed as National Birdwatching Day, to mark the birth anniversary of India’s legendary ornithologist, Salim Ali. Regardless of where or when you watch birds, an intimate connection with mother Nature follows. On this national birdwatching day, try birding for a change and see what windows it opens up for you when you sit beside your window looking at the world through a binocular.