IIT Bombay’s microfluidic device that rapidly measures stiffness of human cells can help investigate relation between stiffness and disease condition


29 Apr 2020

Study finds proposed road construction in the continent could impact tiger populations in 13 countries.

22 Oct 2019

The use of vaccination for preventing diseases has had the most profound effect on human health and quality of life. Despite this, anti-vaccination movements are gaining popularity in recent years, especially in high income countries with historically near universal vaccine coverage, like the USA. Consequently, cases of diseases like measles have seen a 30% rise globally. Vaccine hesitancy has been declared one of the top ten threats to global health by the WHO in 2019. In times like these, what if science showed some added benefits of vaccination besides the obvious? A recent set of studies by a team of international researchers, led by those at the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy (CDDEP), Washington DC and New Delhi, have shown that vaccines can have other unintentional positive effects.

16 Sep 2019

The differences in a child’s response to visual changes could point beyond how the brain functions, how it remembers its surroundings and detects changes. It could also indicate the parents education level and their economic status, says a new study. The study, published in the journal Developmental Science, looks into how children from disadvantaged backgrounds perceive visual changes.

26 Mar 2018

Urban-rural transition zones are a breeding ground for unexpected changes in resources and livelihood, shows study from IIT Bombay

12 Jun 2017


The theory of evolution has long been an interesting subject for scientists around the world, ever since Darwin’s proposal. Many new findings have shaped our understanding of evolution and some have changed what we knew thus far. Now a new study by scientists on fruitflies might further change how we have understood the importance of ‘trade-offs’ in evolution. The study has discovered that fruitflies develop immunity to a type of bacteria over a few generations without losing any other desirable trait, prompting scientists to believe that they have obtained immunity for free, a concept that was always associated with trade-offs.