आईआईटी मुंबई का सूक्ष्म-द्रव उपकरण मानव कोशिकाओं की कठोरता को तीव्रता से मापता है, एवं रोग की स्थिति तथा कोशिकीय कठोरता के मध्य संबंध स्थापित करने में सहायक हो सकता है।

Introducing Research Matters 2.0

We are pleased to announce that on November 4, 2019, Research Matters has completed three eventful years in reporting the best of science news from India. We thank you for your support and patronage.

To mark this milestone, we have revamped our website to provide you with more vibrant content to improve your experience. Below are some of the features the new website has.

  • Read time of articles: With every article, you get a heads up on how long it might take you to complete reading it, so you can plan better!
  • A list of recommended stories for you: Interested in articles on climate change? With this feature, you can now click on the set of recommended stories and get hooked to them!
  • Ability to add comments: We encourage a healthy discussion about all our stories and we love your feedback. With the new feature, readers can engage in a discussion right on the website. Comments, of course, are moderated to weed out those that do not meet our rules on comments. 

In a digital world, being online is not enough. With an increasing number of users on mobile phones, we are doing all it takes to reach them all.

  • A new broadcast list on WhatsApp: We all know the power of the ‘Whatsapp University’. Instead of the unending fake news, what if we had real science for a change? Now, get our stories on WhatsApp too!

One size does not fit all, does it? Hence, we are now bringing you the best of science in a variety of forms. You can choose to pick or try them all!

  • A wide variety of podcasts: If reading is not your thing but listening is, we hear you! We are now bringing you our podcasts in three flavours:
    • Research Bytes: A weekly round-up of all our exciting reportage on the research stories from across the country.
    • Deep-dives: A deep dive into a topical issue that’s making so much noise that you always wanted to know more about it.
    • Joy of Science: Wondered how it would be to ‘do’ all the science that we talk about? Tune in to hear more!
  • All our podcasts on libsyn
  • Mailing lists: We are happy to host a couple of mailing lists, for a start, to enable exchange of information, sharing of ideas and enable engagement and collaboration among interested peers. See this page for details.
  • Science Buzz: Apart from the research-based news stories we are bringing to you, we are launching a new section called 'Science Buzz' to bring you the latest updates and news stories relevant to Indian research. This would include awards, fellowships, grant calls, new appointments, and some exciting research (not covered by us under Deep-dive).
  • Feeds: You can also subscribe to our feeds for stories and podcasts. Check out this page for all feeds.
  • Events listing - Suffer from FOMO? Fear not, we got you covered! Research Matters is now bringing you a list of interesting events on science from across the country. Interested to let us know about your event? Drop a line at editor@researchmedia.center.
  • Research Matters website is AMP enabled. We have implemented a basic version of Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) for faster viewing on mobile devices. In all likelihood you can check by adding '?amp' to the news article url to verify. 
  • Do you have an interesting research to share or would you like to pitch us to write as a guest? Drop a line at editor@researchmedia.center.

We are very grateful for your support and patronage for three long years and we need more of them in the coming years. If you are interested to monetarily support our endeavour, here is how you could do it.

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