Black-eared kites take journeys of an astounding 3300–4800 kilometres each year across the Himalayas into Central Asia, and back.
Himalayan forest thrush (Zoothera salimalii), a songbird discovered in 2016 and named after Salim Ali, the renowned Indian ornithologist. [Image Credits: Craig Brelsford, CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons]
In a recent study researchers have assessed the ability of natural forest species and single-species (monoculture) plantations to capture and store carbon over a long period.
Searching for mates and predation risk can alter spatial interactions between tree crickets and green lynx spiders.
Scientists study evolution of liquids on spherical surfaces and their properties.
A theory put forward by Howard Gardner proposed an alternative view of intelligence, and could potentially be used to look at alternative models of education.
Study has found that the lockdown widened the challenges of stroke care in the country.
Scientists used mathematical models and satellite data to understand how seed dispersal from forest trees helps in maintaining the savanna–forest boundaries.
The four species of newly-discovered tiger moths. Left to right: First row: O. suryamal rekhae, O. suryamal. Second row: O. zedesi and O. ghatmatha [Image credits: Aparna Kalawate]
Thus hath the candle sing'd the moth.
O, these deliberate fools! When they do choose,
They have the wisdom by their wit to lose.
Scientists have successfully grown Indian isolates of P. vivax in different types of human liver cells.