Researchers have built two-dimensional materials-based transistors and used them to design ultra-low power artificial neuron circuits for autonomous robots.


19 May 2019

A conversation with Deccan Herald, Prof Rajaram Nityananda, a well-known Indian physicist who is now a Professor at the Azim Premji University, Bengaluru, sheds some light on how scientists captured the image of a black hole and the role of radio astronomy in this achievement.

9 Jan 2019

Researchers from IIT and IIIT Delhi design an algorithm to find rare cells 


18 May 2019

Physics lessons in school taught us that light is electromagnetic radiation, where electric and magnetic fields oscillate in harmony and travel perpendicular to one another. Over centuries, the properties of light have led to the greatest discoveries—from far-away galaxies to understanding the structure of atoms. What if we put the light rays to do some mechanical work? That’s what optical tweezers—scientific instruments used to manipulate microscopic objects—do!

25 Apr 2018

Scientists from Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, have developed a novel detonation–driven shock tube device for needle-free, painless drug delivery method. If commercialized the technology could replace the dreaded injections used in drug delivery.

14 May 2019

Researchers from the Natural History Museum, London, Wayanad Wild, the Wildlife Institute of India, Nature, Environment and Wildlife Society, and the Zoological Survey of India discover a new species of vine snake Ahaetulla laudankia in Odisha, India.

28 Dec 2018

The extensive use of fireworks, particularly during festivals like Diwali, releases large amounts of harmful gases and toxic substances into the atmosphere. As a result, the air gets polluted and can affect our health. In a recent study, researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati and the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi have analysed the excessive air and noise pollution caused by firecrackers during Diwali and their potential impact on health.

11 May 2019

Imagine yourself enjoying the comforts of your home when you feel a sudden change in the atmosphere, and before you find out why, your skin starts to burn and you can hardly breathe. That’s when you realise that the place you have been living since ages has suddenly become a living hell.  Welcome to the world of marine animals!

9 May 2019

All the electronic devices that we use today have components made of semiconductors, mostly silicon. In recent years, gallium nitride, another semiconductor, is making its way into electronics. It is better suited for high power and high-frequency applications. Researchers from IISc have developed India’s first-ever e-mode gallium nitride power transistor, whose performance is comparable to some of the best reports till date.

11 May 2018

Researchers from the Sálim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON), Coimbatore, and the Natural History Museum (NHM), London, UK, discover a new species of shieldtail snake, Uropeltis Bhupathyi, from the Anaikatty Hills in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.

6 May 2019

Two Russian institutes—A.N.Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution and Moscow State Agricultural University, and the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, India, have compared the chemical contents of the faecal matter of the Amur and Bengal tigers to examine the stress levels of these tigers in India and Russia.